Monday 25 June 2018

Visual reading poster - The Australian outback - a summary

The Australian canning stock route is the same length as New Zealand from Cape Reinga all the way down to Bluf. When I was reading my book I was summarising the key information and putting it in my own words. I liked this story because it is a survival story and I like survival stories.

Adrenalin writing- A time to strike


Adrenalin writing.
A time to strike
We were using youtube clips to make our writing more exciting.
Our learning goal was to hook in the reading by adding more detail to our writing.
I enjoyed this writing because I was so proud of my work.and surprised that I could do amazing writing like this. This is the first time I have written like this and I love it!

Jonny 4 higher graffiti artist

I chose Johnny 4 higher because of his fantastic graffiti artwork that’s been displayed around the world.
When I was searching information about Johnny 4 higher I was trying to find the key information about why he chose to be a graffiti artist and summarise the information in my own words.

Why? I picked Johnny 4 higher because of his amazing maori art. He is able to complete a mural in one day.

Where? His graffiti art is all around the whole world and across New Zealand.

50 Cent

I chose 50 Cent because he is an amazing rapper/voice actor. 50 Cent was naughty and selling drugs when he was 12 years old. I picked 50 Cent because I used to listen to him when I was little. I wanted to write about 50 Cent because I heard that he got shot nine times and that interested me. I was searching for all of the important things and summarizing the key facts. Putting them in my own words was the hardest part for me. 

Monday 11 June 2018

2018 Profile

My name is CJ and I live in a family of three. I go to Matawai School and I am in room 4. I’ve got a brilliant teacher.
I am becoming more confident in my learning. I have started enjoying reading and have read more books in the last year than I ever have before. I am working hard on knowing all my times tables in math. I am really proud of my writing this year.
I want to share my learning with my mum and dad by sharing my blog. I am looking forward to achieving all of my learning goals this year.